In the Odyssey, the Sirens were beautiful women who are half human, half bird. They lived on the island of Sirenum Scopuli, and would sing to passing ships so the ships would crash on the rocks on the island. This expresses something that looks, or sounds, beautiful but has bad consequences.
I would think of myself as an example of a modern day siren. Yes I'm a siren to myself. I try to convince myself that certain actions won't affect me, but of course I am wrong.
One example would be, when I was in 5th grade, and this amazing new game console called the Wii came out. It wasn't like any other console. You couldn't just sit on the couch to play. You had to be standing up, wireless controller in hand, and be moving around to win. Who has ever heard of playing tennis in your living room?
Obviously I was hooked on getting my little, 9 year old hands on one of these console contraptions. As luck would have it my birthday was approaching. All I had to do was relay the message to my parents. Now, this was a very delicate task. One false move and it was over. I cleverly slipped a magazine with an ad about the Wii in it into my parents room. They took the bait! All I had to do was wait. (Admittedly, I stole this idea form the movie A Christmas Story).
One day my mom came home with a suspicious looking package the shape of a cube. She was trying quite hard to bring it into the house without anybody seeing. Of course, I picked up this awkward behavior like a hawk. I decided to do some detective work. In a chest in our attic, there was a Trader Joe's paper bag with a white box in it. I knew what the box had in it before I even read the side panel. A Wii! I was so excited I could hardly contain myself! When the day of the party came, I knew my days of torture were over. I could finally play my Wii!
Though I had many fun times with that Wii, sadly, it now ceases to amuse me. I could have been playing real tennis at the park rather than being inside all day. This is not the only case of these sad stories. There is one up side though. At least I'm not alone. :)
Awesome blog, Ben :) I laughed out loud about how you put the magazine ad in their room, Christmas Story style :) Well written, humorous, and definitely connects to a modern Siren for you; and of course, hindsight is always 20-20. It's not too late to go do some of that outdoor tennis!